1.   Which one of the following statements is an example of hearsay? "The report said the patient died on January 15." "I saw the doctor administer the injection." "I checked the patient's blood pressure three times." "The report was on my desk when I arrived for work."Student Answer: B    

Answer: IncorrectReference: 

7.   Under HIPAA, which one of the following statements is true regarding the release of PHI by covered entities to business associates? Once a covered entity releases information to a business associate, the associate may disclose that information to other entities. Covered entities aren't allowed to release PHI (identifiable or de-identified) to business entities. Covered entities are responsible for the use of PHI made by business associates. Covered entities must require adequate assurances in writing that business associates will adequately safeguard PHI.Student Answer: B    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

8.   What is one type of information that must be reported to the NPDB? Medical malpractice payments Confidentiality safeguards Content of incident reports Occurrences of HIV/AIDSStudent Answer: D    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

11.   Which one of the following steps can shield against discovery of an incident report? Reporting to the NPDB Following HIPAA regulations Conducting a peer review Invoking the work product doctrineStudent Answer: B    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

14.   Suppose the statute of limitations for a particular state is 3 years and the age of majority in that state is 21. If you have medical records for a 13-year-old girl, how long should you maintain them? 8 years  3 years Student Answer: A    
Answer: IncorrectReference: 

20.   According to the AMA, what is a key reason behind a physician's duty of confidentiality to a patient? Sharing a patient's medical information is a form of defamation. The U.S. Constitution requires a physician's confidentiality. If a physician reveals information about a patient, that information isn't admissible in a lawsuit. The patient will feel more confident in disclosing information to the physician.Student Answer: A    
Answer: Incorrect




1. Which one of the following statements is an example of hearsay?

Answer: "The report said the patient died on January 15."

7. Under HIPAA, which one of the following statements is true regarding the release of PHI by covered entities to business associates?
Answer: Covered entities are responsible for the use of PHI made by business associates.

8. What is one type of information that must be reported to the NPDB?
Answer: Medical malpractice payments

11. Which one of the following steps can shield against discovery of an incident report?
Answer: Invoking the work product doctrine

14. Suppose the statute of limitations for a particular state is 3 years and the age of majority in that state is 21. If you have medical records for a 13-year-old girl, how long should you maintain them?
Answer: 8 years

20. According to the AMA, what is a key reason behind a physician's duty of confidentiality to a patient?
Answer: The patient will feel more confident in disclosing information to the physician.

To answer the questions and understand why the student answers were incorrect, here's an explanation for each question:

1. "Which one of the following statements is an example of hearsay?"
The correct answer is A. "The report said the patient died on January 15." This statement is an example of hearsay because it is based on second-hand information from a report rather than personal observation.

7. "Under HIPAA, which one of the following statements is true regarding the release of PHI by covered entities to business associates?"
The correct answer is C. "Covered entities are responsible for the use of PHI made by business associates." This statement is true because covered entities have the responsibility to ensure that their business associates appropriately safeguard and handle protected health information (PHI).

8. "What is one type of information that must be reported to the NPDB?"
The correct answer is A. "Medical malpractice payments." This type of information must be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) as it helps track and monitor medical malpractice issues.

11. "Which one of the following steps can shield against the discovery of an incident report?"
The correct answer is D. "Invoking the work product doctrine." The work product doctrine can protect incident reports from being discoverable in legal proceedings.

14. "Suppose the statute of limitations for a particular state is 3 years and the age of majority in that state is 21. If you have medical records for a 13-year-old girl, how long should you maintain them?"
The correct answer is D. "Indefinitely." In this case, the medical records should be maintained indefinitely because the age of majority is 21, which means the statute of limitations does not start running until the individual turns 21.

20. "According to the AMA, what is a key reason behind a physician's duty of confidentiality to a patient?"
The correct answer is D. "The patient will feel more confident in disclosing information to the physician." The duty of confidentiality is essential for establishing trust between a patient and a physician, encouraging open and honest communication about the patient's medical condition.