
Please help me i need some guidance

(5/3) x or 5x/3 ???????

or maybe you mean
5 /(3x+3)

I'd guess from previous posts that we want

y > -5/3 x + 3

But what we are to do with it I don't know.

To interpret and graph the inequality y > -5/3x + 3, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the equation format:
The equation is in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept.

Step 2: Determine the slope:
The coefficient of x in the equation is -5/3. The slope of the line will be the ratio of this coefficient, so the slope is -5/3.

Step 3: Find the y-intercept:
The y-intercept is represented by the constant term in the equation, which is 3. So the y-intercept is at point (0, 3).

Step 4: Plot the y-intercept:
On a graph, locate the point (0,3). This will be the starting point for drawing the line.

Step 5: Observe the slope:
The slope is negative, so the line will slope downward from left to right.

Step 6: Plot additional points:
To graph the line, you can choose any other points on the line. The slope of -5/3 means that for every 3 units you move to the right, you should move 5 units down. You can use this information to plot more points on the graph.

Step 7: Draw the line:
Connect the plotted points with a line that extends indefinitely in both directions. But remember, for this inequality, we are interested only in the region where y is greater than the value represented by the line.

Step 8: Shade the appropriate region:
To indicate the region where y > -5/3x + 3, you need to shade the area above the graphed line. This is because "greater than" (>) implies a non-inclusive inequality, where the line itself is not included in the solution.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph the inequality y > -5/3x + 3.