Q. At soap and suds there are 16 washing machines in a single row with no spa e between each one. Each washing machine is 2 feet 5 in inches across. What is the total length of the 16 washing machines.

A. Do I divide 16 with 2,than mulpite my answer with 5?


Multiply 2 feet, 5 inches by 16.

16 * 2 = 32 feet

16 * 5 = 80 inches

80/12 = 6 2/3 feet = 6 feet 8 inches

32 feet + 6 feet + 8 inches = ?

I got

46! Tysm

To find the total length of the 16 washing machines, you will need to multiply the width of each washing machine by the number of washing machines.

First, we need to convert 2 feet 5 inches into a single unit of measurement. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, 2 feet can be converted to 24 inches. Therefore, the width of each washing machine is 24 + 5 = 29 inches.

Next, you would multiply the width of each washing machine (29 inches) by the number of washing machines (16):

29 inches × 16 washing machines = 464 inches

So, the total length of the 16 washing machines in inches is 464 inches.