Tanya is 62 inches tall. She is 17 inches taller than May. Write an equation that can be used to find May's height.

Please solve the equation.

X + 17= 62

Is this correct



To write an equation to find May's height, let's assume May's height is represented by the variable "M".

Given that Tanya is 62 inches tall and 17 inches taller than May, we can write the equation:

Tanya's height = May's height + 17

Since Tanya's height is given as 62 inches, we substitute Tanya's height with 62 in the equation:

62 = M + 17

To solve the equation for May's height (M), we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

To do this, subtract 17 from both sides of the equation:

62 - 17 = M + 17 - 17

This simplifies to:

45 = M

So May's height, M, is 45 inches.