Which words should be capitalized in the sentence " Hawaii has some of the most beautiful beaches on earth"

Only the one you've already capitalized ... but make sure you add a period at the end.

In the sentence, "Hawaii has some of the most beautiful beaches on earth," the word "Hawaii" should be capitalized as it is the name of a place. Additionally, "Earth" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to the planet. The other words "has," "some of the," "most," "beautiful," and "beaches" are not capitalized unless they are the first word in the sentence.

In the sentence "Hawaii has some of the most beautiful beaches on earth," the word that should be capitalized is "Hawaii." Here's how to determine which words to capitalize in a sentence:

1. Capitalize the first word of the sentence: The first word in a sentence is always capitalized. In this case, "Hawaii" is the first word of the sentence, so it should be capitalized.

2. Capitalize proper nouns: Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, organizations, or things. In this case, "Hawaii" is a proper noun as it refers to a specific place. Therefore, it needs to be capitalized.

3. Capitalize significant words in titles and headings: If a word is part of a title or heading, it is usually capitalized. However, in the given sentence, there is no title or heading.

4. Capitalize the first word of a quotation: If the sentence contains a quotation, the first word in the quotation should be capitalized. However, there are no quotations in the given sentence.

Therefore, only "Hawaii" needs to be capitalized in the given sentence.