An 11 kg object moves down a 25 degree incline at a constant speed. what is the magnitude of the coefficient of friction?

I have m=11.0kg
incline = 25 deg
but i feel like I am missing one more number in order to calculate

Fg = mg

Fg = (11.0)(9.81)
Fg = 107.91 N

Sin x Fg parallel
------ = -------------
1 Fg

Sin 25.0 Fg parallel
--------- = -------------
1 107.91

Cross multiply

(107.91)sin(25) = 45.6 N
≈ 46 N

*(≈ <-- is an approximation symbol)

Fg = mg

Fg = (11.0)(9.81)
Fg = 107.91 N

Sin x/1 = Fg parallel/Fg

Sin 25.0/1 = Fg parallel/107.91

Cross multiply

(107.91)sin(25) = 45.6 N
≈ 46 N

*(≈ <-- is an approximation symbol)

To calculate the magnitude of the coefficient of friction, we need to consider the forces acting on the object. In this case, we can assume that the only two forces acting on the object are its weight and the force of friction.

The weight (W) can be calculated using the formula W = m * g, where m is the mass of the object (11 kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²).

W = 11 kg * 9.8 m/s²
W = 107.8 N

Since the object is moving down the incline at a constant speed, we know that the force of friction (Ff) is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the component of the weight parallel to the incline. This component can be calculated using the formula W_parallel = W * sin(θ), where θ is the angle of the incline (25 degrees).

W_parallel = 107.8 N * sin(25°)
W_parallel = 47.2 N

Now that we know the magnitude of the force of friction (Ff) is 47.2 N, we can use the equation Ff = μ * N, where μ is the coefficient of friction and N is the normal force.

In this case, the normal force (N) is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the component of the weight perpendicular to the incline. This component can be calculated using the formula N = W * cos(θ).

N = 107.8 N * cos(25°)
N = 97.8 N

Substituting the known values into the equation Ff = μ * N, we have:

47.2 N = μ * 97.8 N

To find the magnitude of the coefficient of friction (μ), we can rearrange the equation:

μ = Ff / N
μ = 47.2 N / 97.8 N

μ ≈ 0.483

Therefore, the magnitude of the coefficient of friction is approximately 0.483 (rounded to three decimal places).