What is the temperature of oxygen that boils at negative 183 Celsius?


All oxygen boils at -183 C, but I have no idea what temperature your oxygen is at.

To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you need to add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature. Therefore, to find the temperature at which oxygen boils at negative 183 degrees Celsius, you would add 273.15 to -183.

Let's calculate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Add 273.15 to -183
-183 + 273.15 = 90.15

So, the temperature at which oxygen boils at negative 183 degrees Celsius is approximately 90.15 Kelvin.

To find the temperature of oxygen when it boils at -183 degrees Celsius, we can use the Celsius to Kelvin conversion formula.

The formula to convert from Celsius to Kelvin is: K = °C + 273.15.

In this case, the boiling point of oxygen is given as -183 degrees Celsius.

To find the temperature in Kelvin, we can substitute -183 °C into the formula.

K = -183 + 273.15

K = 90.15

So, the temperature of oxygen when it boils at -183 degrees Celsius is approximately 90.15 Kelvin.