Can you guys help me?

-18/81 in lowest term?

5/12 in lowest term?

16/24 in lowst term?

25/55x .. simplify ?

Which fraction is NOT equivalent to 16/24

a. 2/3
b. 5/8
c. 32/48

^ sorry i meant this

Which fraction is equivalent to 5/12?

5/8 is not equivalent to 16/24

-18/81 in lowest terms is -2/9

5/12 in lowest form is 5/12
16/24 in lowest terms is 2/3

thank you !!!

Of course! I'd be happy to help.

To simplify fractions, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and the denominator, and then divide both the numerator and the denominator by that GCD.

Let's simplify the fractions one by one.

1. Simplifying -18/81 in lowest terms:
The GCD of 18 and 81 is 9. Divide both the numerator (-18) and the denominator (81) by 9 to get -2/9. So, -18/81 in lowest terms is -2/9.

2. Simplifying 5/12 in lowest terms:
The GCD of 5 and 12 is 1. Since there is no common divisor greater than 1, 5/12 is already in lowest terms.

3. Simplifying 16/24 in lowest terms:
The GCD of 16 and 24 is 8. Divide both the numerator (16) and the denominator (24) by 8 to get 2/3. So, 16/24 in lowest terms is 2/3.

4. Simplifying 25/55x:
To simplify this expression, we need more information about what "x" represents. Is "x" a separate variable or a multiplication symbol? Please clarify, and I'll be able to help you further.

If "x" is a separate variable and not a multiplication symbol, then 25/55x is already in simplified form.