The scale of the map is missing. The actual distance from Liberty to West Quall is 72 miles, and it is 6 inches on the map.

What is the scale of the map?

what is 12:1 ?

To determine the scale of the map, you need to compare the actual distance with the corresponding distance on the map. In this case, the actual distance from Liberty to West Quall is given as 72 miles, and it measures 6 inches on the map.

The scale of a map can be expressed in two ways: as a ratio or as a bar scale. The ratio scale is expressed as "1 inch represents X miles," while the bar scale is a graphical representation of distances on the map.

To find the scale using the given information, you can set up a proportion using the ratio of distances:

(Actual distance) / (Map distance) = Scale

In this case, the actual distance is 72 miles, the map distance is 6 inches, and the scale is unknown. Let's denote the scale as "1 inch represents X miles." Plugging in the values, we get:

72 miles / 6 inches = X miles / 1 inch

To find X, we can cross-multiply and solve for X:

72 miles * 1 inch = 6 inches * X miles
72 miles = 6X miles
X = 72 miles / 6
X = 12 miles

Therefore, the scale of the map is "1 inch represents 12 miles."