Evaluate the extent to which the opposition of slavery contributed to maintaining continuity as well as fostered change in United States from 1776-1856

Please give some documents, events or some topics to help me write this essay

To evaluate the extent to which opposition to slavery contributed to maintaining continuity and fostering change in the United States from 1776-1856, it is essential to consider various documents, events, and topics. Here are some key points you can explore in your essay:

1. Constitution and Founding Documents:
- Analyze the tensions and compromises related to slavery during the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.
- Examine the legal framework established by the Constitution and its impact on the continuity of slavery.

2. Abolitionist Movement:
- Discuss the growth of the abolitionist movement as a response to the institution of slavery.
- Explore the impact of prominent abolitionist individuals like Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
- Examine the strategies employed by the abolitionists, such as writing, speaking, organizing rallies, and forming abolitionist societies.

3. Underground Railroad:
- Explain the significance of the Underground Railroad as a covert network that facilitated the escape of enslaved individuals.
- Discuss the impact of key figures like Harriet Tubman and the Quakers in directly challenging the institution of slavery.

4. Slave Revolts and Resistance:
- Analyze notable slave revolts, such as the Nat Turner Rebellion and the Stono Rebellion, and their effect on perpetuating fear and paranoia among slave owners.
- Discuss other forms of resistance adopted by enslaved individuals, such as running away, sabotaging work, or practicing African cultural traditions.

5. Compromises and Political Developments:
- Evaluate the role of compromises like the Missouri Compromise (1820) and the Compromise of 1850 in maintaining the balance between slave and free states.
- Discuss the significance of political parties like the Free Soil Party and the rise of the Republican Party in opposing slavery.

6. Sectionalism and the Road to Civil War:
- Explore the increasing sectional tensions between the North and the South over the issue of slavery.
- Analyze the impact of events like the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision.
- Discuss how opposition to slavery ultimately led to the secession of Southern states and the onset of the Civil War.

Remember, while evaluating the extent to which opposition to slavery contributed to continuity or change, ensure that you provide evidence, both in support and against your arguments, and maintain a balanced perspective throughout your essay.