The titration reaction of a solution containing 1.00 g mixture of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 with HCl shows that there are 8.50x10^-3 moles of C03-2. Find the weight percent of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 in the mixture. Please Help!!

Two equation solved simultaneously. You follow.

Let x = mass Na2CO3
and y = mass K2CO3
equation 1 is x + y = 1.00 g

That's the easy one. What you do for equation 2 is to say mols CO3^2- from Na2CO3 + mols CO3^2- from K2CO3 = 8.50E-3 mols CO3^2-. Now we put that simple statement into chemical terms using x and y. To save typing space let's let MM = molar mass.
The mols CO3^2- from Na2CO3 =
(x/MM Na2CO3) and mols CO3^2- from K2CO3 = (y/MM K2CO3) so equation 2 is
(x/MM Na2CO3) + (y/MM K2CO3) = 8.50E-3

Solve equations 1 and 2 simultaneously for x and y, then mass percent is
%Na2CO3 = (x/mass sample)*100 = ?
%K2CO3 = (y/mass sample)*100 = ?

To find the weight percent of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 in the mixture, you need to determine the amount of each compound in the mixture.

First, calculate the molar mass of Na2CO3 and K2CO3:
- The molar mass of Na2CO3 = (2 * atomic mass of Na) + (1 * atomic mass of C) + (3 * atomic mass of O)
- The molar mass of K2CO3 = (2 * atomic mass of K) + (1 * atomic mass of C) + (3 * atomic mass of O)

Next, calculate the moles of each compound in the mixture:
- Moles of Na2CO3 = Moles of CO3-2
- Moles of K2CO3 = Moles of CO3-2

Since you are given that there are 8.50x10^-3 moles of CO3-2 in the mixture, you can substitute this value into the calculations.

Once you have the moles of Na2CO3 and K2CO3, you can calculate the masses of each compound using the molar masses.

Finally, you can calculate the weight percent of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 in the mixture using the following formula:

Weight percent of Na2CO3 = (Mass of Na2CO3 / Total mass of mixture) * 100

Weight percent of K2CO3 = (Mass of K2CO3 / Total mass of mixture) * 100

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the weight percent of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 in the mixture.