A grocery store sells snacks by weight. A six ounce bag of mixed nuts costs $3.60. Predict the cost of a ounce bag

3.60 / 6 = ?

I think the answer is: Build a wall

To predict the cost of an eight-ounce bag of mixed nuts, we need to set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's assume that the cost of the eight-ounce bag is 'x' dollars.

We can set up the following proportion:

6 ounces / $3.60 = 8 ounces / x dollars

To find 'x', we can cross-multiply and solve for it:

6 * x = 8 * $3.60
6x = 28.80
x = 28.80 / 6
x ≈ $4.80

Therefore, the predicted cost of an eight-ounce bag of mixed nuts would be approximately $4.80.

Hi my response to this question is 0.6 :))))