I am writing a literary essay about The Great Gatsby. My claim is "money cannot buy you happiness" I am working on the Literary device paragraph right now but I can't seem to find a motif/symbol in the story that can prove my claim. Help please!


Read through the two sections under Themes here. You'll need to adapt one of these ideas to your claim.

Certainly! When analyzing a literary work like The Great Gatsby, it's important to look for motifs and symbols that support your claim. In the case of your claim that "money cannot buy you happiness," an effective symbol to explore in this novel is the green light.

To identify how the green light symbolizes the idea that money cannot buy happiness, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and re-familiarize yourself with the passages in The Great Gatsby that mention the green light. Pay attention to its context and the emotions or desires associated with it.
2. Note how money and materialism are associated with the characters' pursuit of the green light. Observe how the characters' pursuit of wealth is disconnected from their ultimate happiness.
3. Analyze the significance of the green light as a symbol. Consider its connotations, its presence throughout the novel, and its relationship to the characters and themes.
4. Look for moments in the novel where characters, particularly Gatsby, obtain great wealth but still remain unhappy. These instances will help you illustrate your claim that money does not guarantee happiness.

By examining these aspects of the green light symbol, you can build a compelling argument that supports your claim in your literary essay on The Great Gatsby. Remember to include relevant quotes and analyze their literary devices (such as imagery or characterization) to strengthen your interpretation.