Hi i had these questions wrong :/

The North and South held different views toward slavery in 1850. What were they?

a) The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.

b)The South believed that black people were inferior and the North did not.

c)The North supported racial equality and the South did not.

d) The South wanted to eliminate slavery, but the North refused to help with the economic impact.

What was the main concern about slavery for both the North and South in 1850?

a) whether slavery was moral

b) what impact slavery would have on political power

c) how slavery would affect the economy

d) what would happen to freed slaves

a) What was the goal of the Compromise of 1850?

b) to resolve issues related to Texas's statehood

c) to improve the economy in both the North and the South

d) to keep the balance between free states and slave states

Which was not a provision of the Compromise of 1850?

a) admission of California as a free state

b) elimination of the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

c) admission of New Mexico as a slave state and Utah as a free state

d)passage of the Fugitive Slave Act

What was the significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

a) They brought together two outstanding speakers that were largely in agreement on the issues.

b)They highlighted the strengths of both the Democratic and Republican parties.

c) They framed the issues related to slavery and brought Lincoln into the national spotlight.

d) They energized people against slavery on moral grounds.

1st - I put B which is wrong
2nd - I put A which is wrong
3rd - C is wrong
4th - B is wrong
5th - D is wrong

Please help?
My new answers are :-->
1 > A
2 > C ?
3 > D ? OR B?
4 > I don't know ..
5 > A or B ..

What was the goal of the Compromise of 1850?

a)to resolve issues related to Texas's statehood

b)to improve the economy in both the North and the South

c) to keep the balance between free states and slave states

d) to preserve the Union

My new answers are :-->

1 > A - yes
2 > C ? -- or B -- Check your book.
3 > D ? OR B? -- Check your book.
4 > I don't know .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1850

5 > A or B ..



Let's go through each question and explain the correct answers:

1) The North and South held different views toward slavery in 1850. The correct answer is (a) The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.

To understand this, you need to know the basic differences in economic systems between the North and the South during that time. The North was characterized by industrialization and a free labor system, where workers were paid wages for their work. On the other hand, the South relied heavily on agriculture, particularly cotton cultivation, which was labor-intensive and relied on slave labor.

2) The main concern about slavery for both the North and South in 1850. The correct answer is (b) what impact slavery would have on political power.

Both the North and South were concerned about the balance of power between free and slave states in the country. The North feared that the expansion of slavery would tip the balance in favor of the South, potentially leading to a pro-slavery majority in Congress. The South, meanwhile, worried about their loss of political power if slavery were restricted or abolished.

3) The goal of the Compromise of 1850. The correct answer is (d) to keep the balance between free states and slave states.

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of legislative measures aimed at resolving various issues related to slavery. The primary goal was to maintain a balance between free and slave states in order to prevent the outbreak of conflicts.

4) Not a provision of the Compromise of 1850. The correct answer is (c) admission of New Mexico as a slave state and Utah as a free state.

The Compromise of 1850 included the admission of California as a free state and the elimination of the slave trade in Washington D.C. The Fugitive Slave Act was also passed as part of the compromise. However, there was no provision for the admission of New Mexico as a slave state or Utah as a free state.

5) The significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. The correct answer is (c) They framed the issues related to slavery and brought Lincoln into the national spotlight.

The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of debates that took place during the 1858 U.S. Senate election in Illinois between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. These debates focused primarily on the issue of slavery and became nationally renowned, helping to raise the profile of Abraham Lincoln and his stance against slavery.

Based on the explanations above, the revised answers would be:

1) (a) The North believed in a free labor system and the South believed in a slave labor system.
2) (b) what impact slavery would have on political power.
3) (d) to keep the balance between free states and slave states.
4) (c) admission of New Mexico as a slave state and Utah as a free state.
5) (c) They framed the issues related to slavery and brought Lincoln into the national spotlight.