need help understanding these two questions.

thank you
What steps toward media literacy can you think of that we should teach children to help them critically evaluate Disney and other popular culture products for themselves?

How should teachers address Disney’s representation of gender, race, ethnicity and the commercialization of children’s culture, etc. as a way to help children think critically about these images in Disney products.

What age students do you have in mind?

7-10 years old

How do we teach critical thinking regarding popular culture objects like Disney?

WHo is an adolescence

Sure! Let's break down both of these questions and discuss how to understand and answer them.

Question 1: "What steps toward media literacy can you think of that we should teach children to help them critically evaluate Disney and other popular culture products for themselves?"

To answer this question, you need to consider how children can become media literate and critically evaluate Disney and other popular culture products. Here are some steps you can think about:

1. Teaching media analysis skills: Help children develop the ability to analyze media by focusing on elements like messaging, persuasive techniques, and underlying biases.
2. Encouraging media research: Teach children to take a proactive approach by researching various viewpoints and sources of information about Disney and popular culture products.
3. Promoting questioning and critical thinking: Encourage children to question the messages, stereotypes, and representations they encounter in Disney and other popular culture products.
4. Engaging in media discussions: Create opportunities for children to discuss and debate media content, facilitating critical thinking and analysis.
5. Developing media production skills: Teach children techniques for creating their own media, which will enhance their understanding of media production processes and promote critical evaluation.

Answering this question involves thinking about teaching strategies and approaches that empower children to become critical consumers of media.

Question 2: "How should teachers address Disney’s representation of gender, race, ethnicity, and the commercialization of children’s culture, etc. as a way to help children think critically about these images in Disney products?"

To answer this question, you need to consider how teachers can address specific aspects of Disney, such as gender, race, ethnicity, and commercialization, in order to promote critical thinking in children. Here are some ideas:

1. Facilitating discussions: Encourage open and respectful discussions about gender, race, ethnicity, and commercialization in Disney products, allowing children to share their thoughts and perspectives.
2. Providing diverse perspectives: Introduce children to alternative portrayals of gender, race, and ethnicity in media, fostering a more comprehensive understanding and challenging stereotypes.
3. Analyzing stereotypes and biases: Help children identify stereotypes and biases present in Disney products, encouraging critical examination and reflection.
4. Exploring historical and cultural contexts: Teach children about the historical and cultural context behind representations in Disney products. This will enable them to understand the broader implications of these images.
5. Engaging with media literacy resources: Utilize resources such as books, articles, documentaries, and websites to enhance children's understanding of media representation and encourage critical thinking.

In answering this question, focus on ways teachers can address specific issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, and commercialization in Disney's products while promoting critical thinking skills.

Remember, both questions require thoughtful reflection and imaginative ideas to address media literacy and critical thinking in children.