Sue receives a test score of 75% on a test with 20 questions. How many did she get correct?

👉 I need help making these kinds of questions into proportions because I have a Benchmark Test (like a mid year test) coming up & I need to be able to set up these kind of porportions correctly. So someone PLEASE help me. I'm in 8th grade by the way.. so try to explain this to me in a way I will be able to understand. Thank you! ☺

Percent out of 100 = number out of 20

75/100 = x/20

Cross multiply and solve for x.

100x = 1500

x = 15

Ms.sue i need help

Answer: 15

75 divided by 100 is 0.75 then multiply that number by 20 and get 15

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion to find the number of questions Sue got correct.

Let's call the number of questions Sue got correct "x". We can set up the proportion as follows:

(x correct answers) / (total number of questions) = (percentage of correct answers) / 100%

In this case, we know that Sue got a test score of 75%, which means she got 75% of the questions correct, or 0.75 as a decimal. The total number of questions is given as 20.

So, we have the proportion:

x / 20 = 0.75 / 100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

x = (0.75 * 20) / 100

x = 15 / 100

x = 0.15

Therefore, Sue got 0.15 * 20 = 3 questions correct.

To summarize, Sue got 3 questions correct out of a total of 20 questions based on her test score of 75%.