(1.45) 325 x .0145 =

To solve the multiplication problem 325 x 0.0145, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply 325 by 0.0145.

325 x 0.0145 =

Step 2: Arrange the numbers in a vertical format, aligning the decimal points.

x 0.0145

Step 3: Perform the multiplication as you normally would with whole numbers but ignore the decimal point for now.

Multiply 325 by 0145:

x 0145
2275 (multiply 5 by 325)
+ 1625 (multiply 4 by 325)

Step 4: Determine the total number of decimal places in both the original problem and the multiplying number.

The original problem, 325, has no decimal places. The multiplying number, 0.0145, has four decimal places.

Step 5: Place the decimal point in the answer.

Starting from the right side of the answer, count the number of decimal places from step 4. In this case, it's four.

So the final answer is 4.7125.