Generate an abstract mathematical-themed image. Include visual elements of correlation, depicting variables interacting in a proportional relationship. Also represent the numbers 24, 8, and 10 using different geometric or symbolic visual tools. Keep the image engaging and visually appealing.

Suppose y varies directly with x and y = 24 when x =8. What is the value of y when x = 10?

Y/X = 24/8 = 3 = K(Y/X is constant).

Y/10 = 3
Y = 30.

A) -2

D) 4/3
B) -2
B) 30
C) y=2/3x+9
D) y=2x-5

All true I promise, I just took the test.

this question is so old :0

This is algebra?!?!?

The smartChicken is correct as of November 15th, 2022

Answers for the Connexus Algebra Honors Unit 6 Lesson 3 Quiz

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D

i fr hope steve doing okay bro was a grandpa looking for answers to help his grandchild sobbing