(1.1)+1.23+ 16 squared+ 0.5= ???

(1.1)+1.23+ 16 squared+ 0.5=

1.1 + 1.23 + 256 + 0.5 = 258.83


To find the answer to the expression (1.1) + 1.23 + 16 squared + 0.5, you need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent
The expression 16 squared means raising 16 to the power of 2. So, calculate 16 squared as:

16^2 = 16 x 16 = 256

Step 2: Perform addition and subtraction from left to right
Now, you can evaluate the remaining addition and subtraction operations. Start from the left:

1.1 + 1.23 = 2.33

2.33 + 256 + 0.5 = 258.83

Therefore, the final answer to the expression (1.1) + 1.23 + 16 squared + 0.5 is 258.83.