2% of what number is 400?

0.02x = 400

Solve for x.

Is the answer 392?


0.02x = 400

Divide 400 by 0.02.

20,000 is this correct ?

Thank u


400 is 2% of 20,000

To find the number that is 2% of another number, you can set up a proportion.

Let's say the number you are trying to find is represented by "x".

The proportion would be:

2% / 100% = 400 / x

To solve for "x", you can cross-multiply and then solve for "x".

(2/100) * x = 400

0.02 * x = 400

x = 400 / 0.02

x = 20,000

Therefore, 2% of 20,000 is 400.