John is creating a presentation. Before he starts, he takes into consideration several aspects that can help

to determine how the presentation should be set up. Three of the following are important considerations at
this initial stage. Which of the following does John not have to consider when initially creating the
A. Charts
B. Audience size
C. Location of audience
D. Consistency

C, location of audience.

To determine which of the options John does not have to consider when initially creating the presentation, let's analyze each option:

A. Charts: Charts are visual representations of data or information and are often used in presentations to enhance understanding. When creating a presentation, John may need to consider if using charts will be relevant and effective for conveying his message. Therefore, this is a consideration John may have to make initially.

B. Audience size: The size of the audience is an important factor to consider when creating a presentation. It can influence the choice of visual aids, the level of interactivity, and the overall delivery style. The size of the audience can help determine how the presentation should be designed to engage and cater to the needs of the specific audience. Therefore, this is a consideration John needs to make initially.

C. Location of audience: The location of the audience can also impact the design and delivery of a presentation. If the audience is in a large auditorium, different techniques like using a microphone or projecting the slides may be necessary. On the other hand, if the audience is in a smaller room, different strategies such as direct interaction or smaller visuals may be more appropriate. Consequently, this is a consideration John needs to make initially.

D. Consistency: Consistency refers to maintaining a uniform and coherent visual and content style throughout the presentation. It helps create a professional and organized impression for the audience. When initially creating a presentation, John should consider how to ensure consistency in terms of the layout, font, color scheme, and overall design. Therefore, this is a consideration John needs to make initially.

Based on the analysis of each option, the correct answer is:

D. Consistency