The due process model of criminal justice asserts all of the following except:

a. the gov. job is to maximize freedom and opportunities for all citizens which included protecting people from undue gov. influence

b. all suspects are innocent until proven guilty

c. the due process model is first and foremost concerned with people rights

And you think it's ... ??

sorry i think its C

I disagree. Remember, this question is focusing on due process in criminal justice.

so its B

To determine which statement of the due process model of criminal justice asserts all of the following except, we need to look at each statement and understand its meaning.

a. The statement asserts that the government's job is to maximize freedom and opportunities for all citizens, including protecting people from undue government influence. This is in line with the principles of the due process model, which focuses on protecting individuals' rights and limiting the power of the government. Therefore, this statement is consistent with the due process model.

b. The statement asserts that all suspects are innocent until proven guilty. This is a fundamental principle of the due process model. It ensures that individuals are treated fairly and that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. Therefore, this statement is consistent with the due process model.

c. The statement asserts that the due process model is first and foremost concerned with people's rights. This is a core principle of the due process model. It emphasizes the importance of protecting individuals' rights throughout the criminal justice process. Therefore, this statement is also consistent with the due process model.

Since all of the statements are consistent with the due process model, the correct answer is that the due process model of criminal justice asserts all of the following. None of these statements are exceptions to the due process model.