Wood fragments from the floor of a palace in Syria - Syro-Hittite period. Date: 675 ± 50 years BCE?

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To determine the approximate date of wood fragments from the floor of a palace in Syria during the Syro-Hittite period, we can use a few resources and methods:

1. Historical Records: Consult ancient historical records, inscriptions, and texts from that region and period to gather information about the construction and use of palaces in Syria during the Syro-Hittite period. These records might provide details about the construction years or significant events related to the palace.

2. Archaeological Context: Analyze the wood fragments along with other artifacts found in the same layer of the site. Archaeologists study the pottery, architecture, and other archaeological materials to date the site based on typologies and comparative analysis. This can help establish a relative chronology or even provide absolute dates in some cases.

3. Radiocarbon Dating: If available, conduct radiocarbon dating on the wood fragments. This technique measures the amount of radioactive carbon-14 left in the organic material to estimate its age. However, keep in mind that radiocarbon dating has limitations, including the fact that it provides a range of dates rather than an exact year.

It is worth noting that the date you mentioned (675 ± 50 years BCE) implies that there is already some estimation involved. Nevertheless, by combining these different methods, researchers can gain a more accurate understanding of the wood fragments' age and their relation to the Syro-Hittite period.