How did religion stay the same throughout the spread of islam in west Africa in circa 800 C.E. and circa 1750

They followed the teachings of Mohammad as stated in the Qu'ran.

Okay thank you so much

You're very welcome.

During the spread of Islam in West Africa from circa 800 C.E. to circa 1750, the religious landscape of the region indeed underwent changes. However, some elements of traditional African religions did persist alongside the introduction of Islam. To understand this better, let's explore how religion changed and remained the same during this period.

1. Introduction of Islam: When Islam arrived in West Africa during the 8th century through trade and Muslim merchants, it gradually gained prominence. Islamic scholars, traders, and Sufi mystics played a crucial role in spreading Islamic beliefs, practices, and customs.

2. Conversion and Syncretism: As Islam spread, some African rulers and elites began to convert to the new religion. Conversion often occurred due to political alliances, trade benefits, or cultural interactions. However, it is important to note that these conversions were not always exclusive. Many West Africans practiced a syncretic form of Islam, blending Islamic beliefs with traditional African customs and rituals.

3. Continued Practice of Traditional Religions: Despite the spread of Islam, a significant number of West Africans continued to practice their traditional religions. These religions varied across different regions and ethnic groups. They often included a belief in supreme beings, ancestral veneration, and rituals associated with nature and spirits. These practices coexisted alongside Islam, sometimes incorporating Islamic elements while maintaining their core beliefs.

4. Islamic Influences on Traditional Religions: The introduction of Islam also had an influence on traditional African religions. Some indigenous practices adopted certain Islamic rituals, such as the use of prayer mats, Arabic script in religious objects, and the concept of pilgrimage. Islamic scholars also engaged in dialogue with traditional religious leaders, leading to some sharing of ideas and concepts.

5. Islamic Reform Movements: Throughout the centuries, Islamic reform movements emerged that aimed to purify and reshape Islam, advocating for a stricter adherence to Islamic teachings and discouraging syncretic practices. These movements often clashed with traditional African religious practices, seeking to replace or suppress them.

In summary, while the spread of Islam in West Africa brought significant changes to the religious landscape, traditional African religions also persisted. Over time, a syncretic form of Islam developed, blending Islamic beliefs with indigenous customs. This syncretism, coupled with the continued practice of traditional religions, allowed religion to remain a diverse and complex aspect of West African societies during the period from circa 800 C.E. to circa 1750.