According to Robert Venturi, what is wrong with the International Style of architecture?

A. It is too heterogeneous.

B. It is too complex.

C. It is too contradictory.

D. It is too inflexible.

My textbook says is A, B, and C. So I am totally confused

I'd say that the meaning of "complex" (B) includes A and C.

To understand Robert Venturi's criticisms of the International Style of architecture, let's break down the options given:

A. It is too heterogeneous: This means that the International Style of architecture incorporates various diverse elements, resulting in a lack of unity or coherence.

B. It is too complex: This suggests that the International Style relies on intricate and convoluted design principles, making it difficult to comprehend or use effectively.

C. It is too contradictory: This implies that the International Style contains conflicting or contrasting elements that create confusion or discordance in the overall design.

D. It is too inflexible: This option was not mentioned in relation to Venturi's criticisms in this context.

According to your textbook, the correct answer is A, B, and C. This means that Venturi criticized the International Style for being simultaneously heterogeneous, complex, and contradictory.

By considering Venturi's ideas on architecture, we can deduce that he believed the International Style lacked clarity, simplicity, and a coherent design vision. Instead, he advocated for a more diverse and inclusive approach to architecture, where complexity and contradiction could be celebrated rather than rejected.