Can someone edit this? I already edited it but it would still be helpful to get feedback.

Although Benjamin does not explicitly define creativity in his article "The Work of Art in Mechanical Reproduction" he does make mention of "mechanical reproduction," or a specified subcategory of creativity that results in something new through the copying of what is original.
In his opinion, in reproducing an original element its originality, or "aura," is lost. Both the new creation and the original, then, are "depreciate[d]," or become of less value.
In this way, Benjamin would most likely argue that creativity would accomplish this abrogation of aura as well as the elements' depreciation in intrinsic value due to the fact that it is the creation of a new element, much like mechanical reproduction. He offers an example of a picture in a magazine, arguing that the picture, or the new element, destroys the original aura. In this way, he believes that this picture is merely a creation that depreciates value and ruins authenticity. Nevertheless, he neglects to understand that creativity is not merely creating something new thereby resulting in such consequences, as one must also have a significant message that results in progression through this creation of a new element. IN this way, progress becomes the meaningful effect of creativity, as opposed to the abrogation of aura and value. .... YouTube, then, clearly proves this.

in his article "The Work of Art in Mechanical Reproduction" he -- commas are needed in here; do you see where?

In his opinion, in reproducing -- delete "in"

due to the fact that -- delete this wordy phrase and use "because"

Nevertheless, he neglects to understand that creativity is not merely creating something new thereby resulting in such consequences, as one must also have a significant message that results in progression through this creation of a new element. -- This is far too much for one sentence. How can you divide it into two sentences?

IN -- In

You have quoted words in there, but no citation. I hope you are ready to give proper citation for them.

In his opinion, in reproducing -- delete "in"

Well, maybe not! I think the problem in that sentence is lack of commas in the right places to help in understanding. It's another example of a too-complicated sentence, but correctly placed commas can help.

To get feedback on your writing, you can follow these steps:

1. Seek a peer or colleague: Ask someone you trust, such as a friend, classmate, or coworker, to review your work. Make sure they have a good understanding of the subject matter or are skilled in editing.

2. Be specific in your request: Clearly communicate what type of feedback you are looking for. Do you want them to focus on grammar and punctuation, clarity of ideas, or overall structure? Providing guidelines will help them provide more targeted feedback.

3. Consider using online writing tools: There are various online tools available that can help you edit and proofread your work. Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, and ProWritingAid are popular options that can help identify grammatical errors, improve sentence structure, and make your writing clearer.

4. Review the feedback: Once you receive feedback, carefully consider each suggestion and analyze how it improves your writing. Determine which changes align with your intended message and voice while ensuring that your writing remains coherent and consistent.

5. Revise your work: After reviewing the feedback, make changes accordingly. Take the time to refine your ideas, improve sentence structure, and address any grammatical mistakes. Remember to save your original version so that you can compare it to the revised version.

6. Seek further feedback if needed: If you are still unsure about certain aspects of your writing, don't hesitate to get additional feedback. You can consider reaching out to a professor, a writing center, or an online community dedicated to editing and feedback.

Remember, editing is an iterative process, and receiving feedback is a valuable step in improving your writing.