The video compared a retinal neuron to a spy looking through a keyhole at the world. The keyhole is analogous to the

1. lens of the eye
2. pupil of the eye
3. receptive field

In the video, a retinal neuron is compared to a spy looking through a keyhole at the world. The keyhole serves as an analogy for a specific part of the eye. To determine what the keyhole represents, let's break down the given answer choices:

1. Lens of the eye: The lens of the eye is responsible for focusing incoming light onto the retina, but it does not directly relate to the analogy of a spy looking through a keyhole. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

2. Pupil of the eye: The pupil refers to the dark circular opening in the center of the iris, and it regulates the amount of light entering the eye. While the pupil adjusts to control the amount of light, it does not directly align with the analogy of a spy looking through a keyhole. So, this option is also unlikely to be the answer.

3. Receptive field: A receptive field is defined as the specific area of the retina that a particular retinal neuron responds to. The concept of a receptive field aligns perfectly with the analogy of a spy looking through a keyhole. Just as a keyhole limits the view of the spy to a specific area, the receptive field of a retinal neuron restricts the visual input it responds to within a particular region of the retina. Therefore, the correct answer is the receptive field.

To summarize, the keyhole in the analogy corresponds to the receptive field in the context of retinal neurons.