John took off his helmet, turnout gear, and boots in the truck room and hung the jacket on his assigned peg. Just above the peg was a handmade label that read, ‘FF#121 Wilson.’ John still felt a sudden surge of pride every time he looked at the label. His father would be proud too, he reminded himself. After 32 years and a couple of million fires, his father still had the passion for it in his blood until the end.

It was still an hour before dinner, so John washed up and settled down in the old worn chair beside the phone to do what he always did after returning from a fire call. He dialed each digit and then waited. ‘Hullo’ a tiny voice finally answered. John was happy to hear the sound of the voice he had heard only in his head for the past two hours. ‘Daddy, have you been on a fire?’ the inquisitive child asked. ‘As a matter of fact, I have son.’ John returned. ‘Wow Dad, I can’t wait until I get big, so I can fight fires too.’ ‘I know, Son.’

1.What motivated John to become a firefighter?

2.How does his motivation reflect his character and relationship with his father?

could you help me answer these questions or show me where i can find them

John still felt a sudden surge of pride every time he looked at the label. His father would be proud too, he reminded himself. After 32 years and a couple of million fires, his father still had the passion for it in his blood until the end.

To answer these questions, we need to analyze the given passage. Let's break it down step by step:

1. What motivated John to become a firefighter?
In the passage, it is mentioned that John's father had a passion for firefighting until the end. This implies that John was influenced by his father's dedication and love for the profession. Additionally, the passage mentions that John still feels a surge of pride when he looks at the label above his assigned peg. It suggests that John takes pride in carrying on his father's legacy. These elements indicate that John's motivation to become a firefighter stems from his father's influence and his desire to continue the family tradition of firefighting.

2. How does his motivation reflect his character and relationship with his father?
John's motivation reflects his character by showing his strong sense of commitment and dedication to the firefighting profession. Despite the challenges and risks associated with the job, John is proud of his role and feels a sense of pride when he looks at the label above his peg. This suggests that he is passionate about his work and holds his role as a firefighter in high regard. His motivation also reflects a close bond and relationship with his father. The passage implies that John's father's passion for firefighting had a significant impact on him, and he feels his father's presence whenever he calls him after a fire call. Thus, his motivation is not only driven by personal ambition but also by a desire to make his father proud and carry on his legacy.

To find these answers, you can use both the explicit information provided in the passage and infer from the implied messages. By examining the key details and understanding the character's thoughts and emotions, you can gain insights into their motivations and the dynamics of their relationships.