calculate minimum effort required to move load of 39 Newton in inclined plane whose length of slope is 39m ,height is 5m, distance from the base is 12m?

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To calculate the minimum effort required to move a load up an inclined plane, we need to consider the principles of work, energy, and friction.

The first step is to determine the weight component, W_parallel, that acts parallel to the inclined plane. This can be calculated using the formula:

W_parallel = W × sin(θ)

where W is the weight of the load (39 Newtons in this case) and θ is the angle of inclination.

Next, we calculate the work done against gravity as the load moves up the slope. The work done against gravity is given by:

Work_gravity = W_parallel × l

where l is the length of the slope (39 meters in this case).

Now, let's calculate the work done against gravity:

Work_gravity = (39 Newtons × sin(θ)) × 39 meters

The next step is to calculate the work done against friction. The frictional force can be calculated using the formula:

Frictional_force = μ × Normal_force

where μ is the coefficient of friction and Normal_force is the perpendicular force exerted on the load by the inclined plane. The Normal_force can be calculated by:

Normal_force = W × cos(θ)

Now, we calculate the frictional force:

Frictional_force = μ × (W × cos(θ))

Since we want to calculate the minimum effort required, we assume that the plane is frictionless (μ = 0). Therefore, the frictional force is zero in this case.

Finally, the minimum effort required (E) to move the load up the inclined plane can be calculated as:

E = Work_gravity + Work_friction

Since there is no friction in this case, the minimum effort required is equal to the work done against gravity:

E = Work_gravity

So, to calculate the minimum effort required, you need to know the angle of inclination (θ). Once you have the angle, substitute it into the formulas and calculate the work done against gravity.

Note: If there is friction involved and you have the coefficient of friction, you need to calculate the work done against friction separately and add it to the work done against gravity.