Which of the following is equal to

1/6 ÷ 1/18? Assume the shapes are rectangular. Describe another situation that this quotient models.

A) The area of a planter that is 1/6 yard wide and 1/18 yard long.

B)The width of a 1/18-square-meter flower bed that is 1/6 meter long.

C)The width of a 1/6-square-yard tile border that is 1/18 yard long.

My answer to this question is C, but I'm not sure if it's correct because I also think the answer could be B. Can someone check this for me?

It is C

width = area ÷ length

okay Steve, Thank You so much!!

How long is a rectangular strip of land

with a width of 5/4 km & an area of 3/4 square km?

To determine which option is equal to 1/6 ÷ 1/18, we need to perform the division operation. Dividing fractions involves multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

So, 1/6 ÷ 1/18 can be calculated as (1/6) × (18/1).

Multiplying the numerators (1 × 18) gives us 18, and multiplying the denominators (6 × 1) gives us 6. Therefore, 1/6 ÷ 1/18 simplifies to 18/6.

Simplifying the fraction 18/6, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 6. This yields 3/1 or simply 3.

Therefore, 1/6 ÷ 1/18 is equal to 3.

Now let's analyze the given options:

A) The area of a planter that is 1/6 yard wide and 1/18 yard long. This would be calculated as (1/6) × (1/18), not equal to 3.

B) The width of a 1/18-square-meter flower bed that is 1/6 meter long. This would be calculated as (1/6) ÷ (1/18), which is equal to 3.

C) The width of a 1/6-square-yard tile border that is 1/18 yard long. This would be calculated as (1/6) ÷ (1/18), also equal to 3.

Based on the analysis, both options B and C represent situations that are modeled by the quotient 1/6 ÷ 1/18, which is equal to 3. Both answers are correct, so your choice of either B or C is valid.