The temperature on one day in January for Phoenix, AZ, is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. On the same day in Barrow, AK, the temperature is -29 degrees Fahrenheit. What is the difference between these two temperatures?

60 - (-29) = 60 + 29 = 89

To find the difference between the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ, and Barrow, AK, we subtract the temperature in Phoenix from the temperature in Barrow.

-29°F - 60°F = -89°F

Therefore, the difference between the two temperatures is 89 degrees Fahrenheit.

To find the difference between the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ, and Barrow, AK on the same day, you need to subtract the temperature in Phoenix from the temperature in Barrow.

- Temperature in Phoenix, AZ: 60 degrees Fahrenheit
- Temperature in Barrow, AK: -29 degrees Fahrenheit

To find the difference, subtract the temperature in Phoenix from the temperature in Barrow:

-29 degrees Fahrenheit - 60 degrees Fahrenheit = -89 degrees Fahrenheit

Therefore, the difference between the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ and Barrow, AK on the same day is 89 degrees Fahrenheit.