A car travels 350 miles on 20 gallons of gallons of gasoline.How many gallons will be used to travel 875 miles under the same conditions

350/20 = 875/x

350x = 17,500

x = 50

You're right.

And your answer is?

is it 50

To find the number of gallons needed to travel 875 miles under the same conditions, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Gallons 1 / Miles 1 = Gallons 2 / Miles 2

Here, "Gallons 1" represents the number of gallons used to travel 350 miles, "Miles 1" represents the distance traveled with "Gallons 1", "Gallons 2" represents the number of gallons used to travel 875 miles (what we want to find), and "Miles 2" represents the distance to be traveled with "Gallons 2".

Plugging in the given values, we have:

20 / 350 = Gallons 2 / 875

To find "Gallons 2," we can cross-multiply and then solve for it:

20 * 875 = 350 * Gallons 2
17,500 = 350 * Gallons 2

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 350 to isolate "Gallons 2":

17,500 / 350 = Gallons 2
50 = Gallons 2

So, 50 gallons will be used to travel 875 miles under the same conditions.