Balance the following equation in basic conditions

CoCl2 (s) +Na2O2 (ag) ----> Co(OH)3 (ag)+Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag)

Here is my response to your earlier question. Although you didn't explain what you didn't understand, I think you must understand it ok for the equation is balanced. Read my response and redo this one and see if that doesn't help. If it doesn't, repost and this time show what you've done.

To balance the given chemical equation in basic conditions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. Start with the more complex molecule or polyatomic ions first.

On the left side (reactants):
Co: 1
Cl: 2

On the right side (products):
Co: 1
O: 3
H: 3
Cl: 1
Na: 1

Step 2: Balance the number of atoms of each element one at a time by inserting coefficients (numbers in front of each compound or element) as needed.

First, balance the atoms that appear in only one compound/element on each side:

Start with Co: CoCl2 → Co(OH)3

Balance the Co atoms by placing a coefficient of 3 in front of Co(OH)3:
CoCl2 + 3Na2O2 → 3Co(OH)3

Now, check if other atoms are balanced or not:

Cl: 2 Cl on the left vs. 1 Cl on the right
Place a coefficient of 2 in front of NaCl on the product side:
CoCl2 + 3Na2O2 → 3Co(OH)3 + 2NaCl

Na: 2 Na on the left vs. 2 Na on the right (already balanced)

O: 5 O on the left vs. 9 O on the right
Place a coefficient of 5 in front of Na2O2 on the reactant side:
CoCl2 + 5Na2O2 → 3Co(OH)3 + 2NaCl

H: 6 H on the right vs. 0 H on the left
Place a coefficient of 6 in front of H2O on the reactant side (considering that OH- combines with H+ to form H2O):
CoCl2 + 5Na2O2 + 6H2O → 3Co(OH)3 + 2NaCl

Step 3: Check if the equation is balanced by re-counting the atoms of each element on both sides:

On the left side (reactants):
Co: 1
Cl: 2
Na: 10
O: 15
H: 12

On the right side (products):
Co: 3
Cl: 2
Na: 2
O: 15
H: 12

All elements are now balanced.

The balanced equation in basic conditions is:
CoCl2 + 5Na2O2 + 6H2O → 3Co(OH)3 + 2NaCl

To balance the given chemical equation, CoCl2 (s) + Na2O2 (ag) → Co(OH)3 (ag) + Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag), in basic conditions, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Start by balancing the atoms other than oxygen and hydrogen:

CoCl2 (s) + Na2O2 (ag) → Co(OH)3 (ag) + 2 Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag)

Step 2: Balance the oxygen atoms by adding water (H2O) molecules to the appropriate side of the equation:

CoCl2 (s) + Na2O2 (ag) + 3 H2O (l) → Co(OH)3 (ag) + 2 Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag)

Step 3: Balance the hydrogen atoms by adding hydroxide ions (OH-) where necessary. Since the reaction is in basic conditions, you can add OH- ions to neutralize the H+ ions:

CoCl2 (s) + Na2O2 (ag) + 3 H2O (l) → Co(OH)3 (ag) + 2 Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag) + 6 OH- (ag)

Step 4: Check the charges on both sides of the equation. In this case, the charges are balanced, so the equation is balanced.

The balanced equation in basic conditions is:

CoCl2 (s) + Na2O2 (ag) + 3 H2O (l) → Co(OH)3 (ag) + 2 Cl- (ag) + Na+ (ag) + 6 OH- (ag)