what is a falco ardosiacus? complete sentences please!

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A Falco ardosiatus, also known as the Southern Crested Caracara, is a bird species in the falcon family. To gather information about this bird, you can use various sources such as books, scientific articles, or reliable websites. Start by searching for the species name "Falco ardosiatus" on search engines like Google or Bing. Look for reputable sources such as birding websites, national parks' websites, or ornithology organizations. These sources should provide detailed descriptions, habitat information, behavior patterns, and any unique characteristics of the Southern Crested Caracara. Additionally, you can consult bird identification guides or field guides specific to your region. These guides often include illustrations, photographs, and information on the bird's range, appearance, and habits. Remember to cite your sources properly if you are using this information for academic or professional purposes.