Please Help me with the closing any suggestions

Overall, how the delivery was characterized and how he used the presentational aids, made me understand how to present a speech.. The strength that the speaker had on his speech was the tone of voice, and his gestures. An improvement that the preacher could make is not to be pacing back and forth movement, makes the person look uneasy and not professional. I learned that the way a person delivers a speech makes the speech interesting or boring.

Overall, how the delivery was characterized, and how he used the presentational aids, made me understand how to present a speech. A strength that the speaker had in his speech was the tone of voice and his gestures. An improvement that the speaker could make is not to be pacing back and forth, which makes the person look uneasy and unprofessional. I learned that the way a person delivers a speech is a major factor in making the speech interesting or boring.

Based on your description, it seems like you are looking for suggestions on how to improve the closing of a speech. The closing of a speech is a crucial part as it leaves a lasting impression on the audience. Here are some suggestions to improve your closing:

1. Summarize key points: Use your closing to summarize the main points you discussed throughout your speech. This will help reinforce your message and ensure that your audience remembers the key takeaways.

2. Provide a call to action: Inspire your audience to take action by providing a clear call to action in your closing. This could be encouraging them to make a change, support a cause, or take a specific next step.

3. End with a memorable quote or story: An ending that leaves a strong impact on your audience can be achieved by incorporating a memorable quote or sharing a powerful story that relates to your speech topic. This can evoke emotions and make your closing more memorable.

4. Use a strong closing statement: Craft a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression. This could be a thought-provoking statement, a powerful question, or a statement that challenges the audience to think differently.

In addition to these suggestions, it's important to remember that practice and delivery play a significant role in how impactful your closing will be. Rehearse your closing multiple times to ensure a confident and smooth delivery. Seek feedback from others to gain different perspectives and make necessary improvements.

Overall, a strong closing should effectively summarize your speech, inspire action, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. By implementing these tips and considering your own personal speaking style, you can greatly enhance the impact of your closing.