generally, artists change their styles a. offen beacuse of the influence of events that happen in life

b. raely beacuse it is confuses the audience.
c. their work naturally has the characteristics of the style.
d. they chose to join a group of artists

And your answer is?

a @ms.sue

These are really bad questions and answer choices.

I know of artists, past and present, for whom A, C, and D are correct.

lol ok thanks @writeacher

helpthanks- you wrote that wrong--- the last two answers were -- frequently to keep life exciting. OR - never because they are not able to... >:/ you looked at the one below it and worte those instead! wow...

The correct answer is (a) often because of the influence of events that happen in life. Artists, like any individuals, go through various life experiences that shape and influence their perspectives, emotions, and creative expressions. These events could include personal or societal changes, major milestones, political or social movements, exposure to new cultures or ideas, or even personal challenges or traumas. Artists may find inspiration, new ideas, or shifts in their creative approach as a response to these life events, which can lead to changes in their artistic style. It is important to note that this is a generalization, and not all artists will change their styles due to life events. The creative process is deeply personal, and artists have diverse motivations and reasons for altering their artistic styles.