The population of a city is 127,000 and is decreasing by 2.4% each year.

a. What will the population be in 10 years?
b. Find when the population will be 95,000

after t years, the population p is

p = 127000 * 0.976^t

Now just plug and chug


To find the population of the city in 10 years and when it will reach 95,000, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the population after each year.

Initial population (P₀) = 127,000
Rate of decrease (r) = 2.4% or 0.024

a. To find the population after 10 years:

Step 2: Calculate the population after one year.
Population after one year (P₁) = P₀ - (r * P₀)

Step 3: Use the population after one year as the new initial population and repeat Step 2 for the remaining years.
Repeat Step 2 nine more times to find the population after 10 years.

b. To find when the population will be 95,000:

You will need to use algebra to solve for the number of years (t) until the population reaches 95,000.

Now let's calculate the answers:

a. Calculate the population after 10 years:
P₁₀ = P₀ - (r * P₀) = 127,000 - (0.024 * 127,000)
Repeat Step 2 nine more times to calculate the population after 10 years.

b. Calculate when the population will reach 95,000:
P(t) = P₀ - (r * P₀)
Solve the equation P(t) = 95,000 for t. You can use trial and error or use logarithms to solve this equation.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the population of the city in 10 years and when it will reach 95,000.