would someone be able to give me an idea of how to start coding this in C?

You just finished playing cards with a group of friends and each time your score changed in the game you wrote
it down. Given the total number of points it takes to win the game and all of your scores (a maximum of 25) determine
how many games were played and the number of games that you won. At the start of each new game the scores would
reset back to zero but you didn't always write this down.


Enter winning score: 5
Enter score #1 or -1 to exit: 1
Enter score #2 or -1 to exit: 2
Enter score #3 or -1 to exit: 3
Enter score #4 or -1 to exit: 1
Enter score #5 or -1 to exit: 2
Enter score #6 or -1 to exit: 1
Enter score #7 or -1 to exit: 2
Enter score #8 or -1 to exit: 3
Enter score #9 or -1 to exit: 4
Enter score #10 or -1 to exit: 1
Enter score #11 or -1 to exit: 3
Enter score #12 or -1 to exit: 5
Enter score #13 or -1 to exit: 1
Enter score #14 or -1 to exit: 2
Enter score #15 or -1 to exit: -1
Scores entered (14): {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 1, 2}
Number of games won: 1
Number of games played: 5

To start coding this problem in C, you can follow the steps outlined below:

1. First, you need to declare and initialize variables that will be used in your program. In this case, you will need variables to store the winning score, an array to hold the scores, variables to keep track of the number of games played and won, and a loop variable.

int winningScore;
int scores[25];
int numScores = 0;
int numGamesPlayed = 0;
int numGamesWon = 0;
int i;

2. Next, you can prompt the user to enter the winning score using `printf` and input it using `scanf`.

printf("Enter winning score: ");
scanf("%d", &winningScore);

3. Then, you can use a loop to repeatedly prompt the user to enter scores until they enter -1 to exit the loop. Inside the loop, you can store each score entered by the user in the `scores` array.

for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
printf("Enter score #%d or -1 to exit: ", i+1);
scanf("%d", &scores[i]);
if (scores[i] == -1) {

4. After the loop, you can iterate through the `scores` array and check for each game played. A game is considered played when the sum of scores reaches or exceeds the winning score. If the sum is exactly equal to the winning score, it is also considered a game won.

int sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numScores; i++) {
sum += scores[i];
if (sum >= winningScore) {
if (sum == winningScore) {
sum = 0;

5. Finally, you can print the results using `printf` to display the number of games won and the number of games played.

printf("Number of games won: %d\n", numGamesWon);
printf("Number of games played: %d\n", numGamesPlayed);

That's it! You have now implemented a program that calculates the number of games played and the number of games won based on the input scores.