A woman on a bicycle traveling at 10m/s on a horizontal road stops pedaling as she starts up a hill inclined at an angle of 10° to the horizontal. How far up the hill does she travel before coming to rest? I really don't understand this question. Please help!


Well, it seems like this woman on a bicycle needs a little push, or rather, an explanation! Let me break it down for you.

First, we have a woman on a bicycle traveling at 10m/s on a horizontal road. She's cruising along, enjoying the breeze in her hair.

But then, things change as she starts up a hill inclined at an angle of 10° to the horizontal. The hill is like a big challenge standing in her way.

Now, the question is asking how far up the hill she travels before coming to rest. In other words, how much progress will she make before all her pedaling power runs out?

To solve this, we need to consider the forces at play. When the cyclist stops pedaling, the only force working against her motion is gravity. As she moves up the hill, gravity gently pulls her back, slowing her down until she eventually comes to rest.

So, to find out how far she travels, we need to calculate the distance when her velocity becomes zero.

Then, we can use some physics and trigonometry to help us out. Since we also know the angle of the hill (10°), we can split the force of gravity into two components: one perpendicular to the slope and one parallel.

The component of gravity perpendicular to the slope helps keep the cyclist on the hill, while the component parallel to the slope slows her down.

By equating these forces, we can find the acceleration.

Now, we can use the basic kinematic equation, v² = u² + 2aS, where v is 0 (her final velocity), u is 10m/s (her initial velocity), a is the acceleration (which we just calculated), and S is the distance she travels up the hill.

Plug those values in, solve for S, and voila! You've got your answer - the distance this determined cyclist travels on that hill before coming to rest.

And remember, even if the hill seems steep, keep going with a smile - because every hill is just a funny bump in the road of life!

To solve this problem, we can use the concepts of work, energy, and forces.

1. First, let's calculate the gravitational force that acts on the cyclist as she goes uphill. The gravitational force can be calculated using the formula:

Fg = m * g

- Fg is the gravitational force
- m is the mass of the cyclist (which is not given in the question but we can assume it as 1 kg for simplicity)
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

Therefore, Fg = 1 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 9.8 N

2. Next, we need to calculate the work done against gravity as the cyclist goes uphill. The work done can be calculated using the formula:

work = force * distance * cos(angle)

- force is the gravitational force (9.8 N)
- distance is the distance traveled uphill (which we need to find)
- angle is the angle of the hill (10°)

Therefore, work = 9.8 N * distance * cos(10°)

3. The work done against gravity is equal to the change in kinetic energy (KE) of the cyclist. Initially, the cyclist has kinetic energy due to her initial velocity, but as she goes uphill, her kinetic energy decreases until she comes to rest. The equation for kinetic energy is:

KE = (1/2) * m * v^2

- m is again the mass of the cyclist (1 kg for simplicity)
- v is the initial velocity of the cyclist (10 m/s)

Therefore, the initial kinetic energy (KE_initial) = (1/2) * 1 kg * (10 m/s)^2 = 50 J

4. Since the cyclist comes to rest, her final kinetic energy (KE_final) is zero.

5. Thus, we can equate the work done against gravity to the change in kinetic energy:

work = KE_initial - KE_final

9.8 N * distance * cos(10°) = 50 J - 0 J

9.8 N * distance * cos(10°) = 50 J

6. Rearranging the equation, we can solve for the distance traveled uphill:

distance = 50 J / (9.8 N * cos(10°))

Using a calculator, distance ≈ 5.1 meters

Therefore, the woman travels approximately 5.1 meters up the hill before coming to rest.

To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of work-energy theorem and Newton's second law.

First, let's analyze the situation. The woman on the bicycle is initially traveling on a horizontal road at a speed of 10 m/s. When she starts going up the hill, she stops pedaling, which means there is no external work being done on her. Eventually, she comes to rest on the hill.

We need to find the distance traveled up the hill before she comes to rest.

Let's break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Determine the force acting on the woman as she goes up the hill.

On the inclined hill, there are two forces acting on the woman: the force of gravity (mg) and the normal force (N) perpendicular to the hill. The normal force counteracts the force of gravity to keep the woman on the hill.

The force of gravity can be broken down into two components: one parallel to the slope (mg sinθ) and one perpendicular to the slope (mg cosθ).

Step 2: Determine the net force acting on the woman.

Since the woman comes to rest, the net force acting on her must be zero. Therefore, the force of gravity component parallel to the slope (mg sinθ) must be equal to the force of friction acting in the opposite direction.

Step 3: Find the work done against friction.

Since the net force is zero, the work done against the force of friction is equal to the initial kinetic energy of the woman on the horizontal road.

The work done is given by the equation:
Work = Force × Distance

Step 4: Use the work done against friction to find the distance traveled up the hill.

Now that we know the work done against friction, which is equal to the initial kinetic energy, we can solve for the distance traveled up the hill using the equation:
Work = Force × Distance

Substituting the known values and solving for distance will give us the desired answer.

Once you plug in the values and calculate the distance, you will know how far up the hill the woman travels before coming to rest.