CHECK PLEASE? Is this a good analytical paragraph?

Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, “The Bells”, uses personification and alliteration in order to establish a new tone for each stanza. Personification is used to create a transition in the stanzas, to differentiate the tone change throughout the stanzas. Alliteration is also used to allow the reader to hear the tone change and see the new tone that is being presented with every new stanza. The first paragraph has a tone of contentment because in the poem it states, “ What a world of merriment their melody foretells!... With a crystalline delight; Keeping time, time, time.”(line 4&7-8). In this textual evidence, personification and alliteration are used to portray a tone of contentment; because a time of peace is being described. When the second stanza begins there is a tone shift from contentment to jovial, this is made obvious in line 5 and 17, “How they ring out their delight… from the swinging and the ringing.”. This text evidence shows the jovial tone by using personification and alliteration, which intensifies the poem by allowing the reader to understand the tone more clearly. It also shows that the time the poem signifies a milestone that was met with great celebration and happiness. The third stanza has tone shift from jovial to frantic.

Yes, this is a good analytical paragraph. It effectively analyzes the use of personification and alliteration in Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "The Bells", and explains how these literary devices contribute to establishing a new tone in each stanza. Additionally, the paragraph provides specific textual evidence to support its analysis and interpretations of the shifts in tone throughout the poem.

To further enhance the paragraph, you could consider expanding on the significance of the tone shifts and their impact on the overall meaning of the poem. This could involve exploring how the changing tones correspond to different emotions or themes being expressed by the poet. Additionally, you could discuss how the use of personification and alliteration enhances the reader's understanding and experience of the poem.

Overall, you have done a good job of analyzing the poem and explaining the role of personification and alliteration in establishing different tones in each stanza.