Summarize the steps of sexual reproduction and explain how it increases genetic diversity.

That's Not a lot of help Ms. Sue.

I agree with A Unique person. That does not have anything to do with the question

Sexual reproduction involves a series of steps that ultimately lead to the creation of offspring with a unique combination of genetic information. Here are the summarised steps:

1. Gamete production: In sexual reproduction, specialized cells called gametes are produced. In males, these are sperm cells, and in females, they are egg cells.

2. Meiosis: The production of gametes involves a special form of cell division called meiosis. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes in each gamete is halved, resulting in cells with only one set of chromosomes instead of the usual two sets.

3. Fertilization: The male and female gametes unite in a process called fertilization. This fusion of gametes combines genetic material from two parents, forming a zygote.

4. Genetic recombination: During fertilization, genetic material from the maternal and paternal chromosomes combines. This process, known as genetic recombination or crossing over, leads to the shuffling and exchange of genetic information between chromosomes.

5. Development of offspring: The zygote undergoes development and grows into an offspring with genetic traits inherited from both parents.

Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity in several ways:

1. Genetic variation through meiosis: Meiosis generates genetic diversity by creating gametes with different combinations of chromosomes. This shuffling and random distribution of chromosomes lead to a unique set of genetic traits in each gamete.

2. Genetic recombination: During fertilization, the genetic material from the two parents is combined, resulting in a new combination of genes in the offspring. This recombination further increases genetic diversity by mixing different alleles from each parent.

3. Mutations: Although not directly related to sexual reproduction, mutations can occur spontaneously in the DNA of gametes. These mutations introduce new genetic variations, which can contribute to genetic diversity in offspring.

Overall, sexual reproduction promotes genetic diversity by introducing new gene combinations through meiosis, genetic recombination during fertilization, and occasional mutations. This diversity enhances the ability of a population to adapt to changing environments and improves reproductive success.