12. Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italics?

A. The sauce tasted bitterly, and I couldn't swallow it.
B. I feel goodly now that I'm over the flu.
C. He spoke sharply to his sister.
D. Joe looked sad at his broken bike.


The italicized words are ......



Yes, the correct answer is C. "He spoke sharply to his sister."

To determine the correctly used modifier in this sentence, we need to understand the meaning of the words in context.

In this case, "sharply" is an adverb that describes how someone spoke. It indicates the manner in which the action was performed. The word "sharply" modifies the verb "spoke" to convey that the person spoke in a sharp or abrupt manner.

To arrive at this answer, you would need to determine the meaning of each italicized word in the sentence and understand how they function in relation to the rest of the sentence.