On my reading worsheet we are supposed to find antonyms of words and one word was analyze and the options to match antonyms were not going in to any word

Like on google it gives me synthesize or combine but neither word is on my worksheet please help

What are your obvious choices?

Adhered, scan or transferred I guess the for helping

Scan is an antonym for analyze.

Scan means to look at something quickly without much thought.

Analyze means to study something thoroughly.

To find antonyms, or words with opposite meanings, it's important to consider the context and use various resources. In this case, since the options given on your worksheet do not seem to match the word "analyze," you can try the following steps to come up with appropriate antonyms:

1. Understand the meaning of the word: Make sure you have a clear understanding of what "analyze" means. It refers to breaking down something into its parts or studying closely to understand its nature or structure.

2. Think about possible antonyms: Brainstorm words that could be opposite in meaning to "analyze." In this case, you might consider words like "ignore," "overlook," or "disregard."

3. Utilize a thesaurus: Thesauruses are extremely helpful tools for finding synonyms and antonyms. In your situation, you can use a printed or online thesaurus to look up "analyze" and find antonyms that may not have been provided on your worksheet. Online thesauruses like Thesaurus.com or Merriam-Webster.com are easy to access and provide a range of alternative words.

4. Cross-reference with the provided options: After finding potential antonyms from a thesaurus, cross-reference them with the options on your worksheet to see if any matches can be made. While the options might not directly include the words from the thesaurus, they could be synonyms or associated words. For example, "synthesize" can be considered an antonym as it implies combining elements rather than breaking them down.

Remember that antonyms can vary depending on the specific usage and context of a word. Therefore, it's essential to consider the scope of your reading worksheet and choose the most appropriate option accordingly.