Hello! I just need help in confirming/denying my own answers. For wrong answers, any assistance would be appreciated. These are study questions for an upcoming test so guidance would be EXTREMELY helpful. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :)

1. The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia is unlike a Greek sanctuary in that it:
A. dominates the hillside (my answer)
B. is almost square in shape
C. blends into its surroundings
D. depicts deities on its friezes

2. How does Augustus of Primaporta depict the Emperor Augustus?
A. as a deity (my answer)
B. as a spirit
C. as a monarch
D. as a commoner

3. Modern stadiums use the Colosseum's design because
A. it allowed for safety for athletes
B. it allowed for efficient construction
C. it let every spectator see the action (my answer)
D. it was relatively inexpensive to build

4. The Arch of Trajan at Benevento was built to commemorate:
A. an army's victory (it is NOT this answer, i'm 100% sure)
B. a town's prosperity
C. a road's construction
D. an emperor's coronation (this is my answer)

5. A method of dating portraits of unknown Roman citizens is to determine which emperor had a similar
A. crown
B. hairstyle
C. eye color (my answer)
D. face shape

6. Art produced under ______ tends most toward anti-classical design.
A. Hadrian (i'm sure it is not this answer)
B. the Tetrarchs (my answer)
C. Marcus Aurelius
D. the Severan dynasty

7. The Etruscans differed from the Ancient Egyptians in that they:
A. had few burial rituals
B. cremated their dead
C. built elaborate tombs (my answer)
D. believed in an afterlife

1. Yes, but could find no resources to confirm for you.

2. No, and there's a resource that helps describe it...

3. Yes, this was a no-brainer for me. However, I found no specific resource to back it up. I would go with this answer if it were me.

4. No, and there's a resource to help you out...

5. No, but I'm not positive... based on a resource I found... it mentions dating pieces based on the rendition of the hair...

6. Yes, based on a wikipedia resource...

Also, there's another internet resource that supports that...

7. No, and there's a resource that proves that...

There is also a resource I found that mentioned the Etruscans had started cremating in the beginning...

I had links for each answer for you, but it wouldn't allow me to link for you. However, I confirmed all of these by searching online. Hope this helps.

Thank you so so much for your help!

Regarding the wrong answers. I believe that I have found the correct ones. If you could confirm/deny that would be helpful. If there are any that are still wrong from this bunch - I guess I will wing it but hopefully that shouldn't be the case!
2. C (After reading more about it - it was starting to make sense that he DIDN'T want to be referred to as a God but rather solely recognized for his military efforts and role as commander)
4. C. (the sources that I was looking at weren't making it very clear if it was based on the emperor or the entrance to the city or both so that is where the confusion sparked from. sorry about that!)
5. B (like you said...i originally couldn't find any resources on the matter and just guessed on my original answer, honestly)
7. B (although i'm not 100% sure on this because all i could find articles on mentioned the similarities between them rather than the differences. i do, however, understand how my answer is wrong and thank you for pointing it out.)

thank you so so much for your help. it's truly appreciated!

That's the answers I would agree with for your study guide. All the other answers for the choices on #7, I could disprove, but I could find nothing to prove this one correct.

Hello! I'll be happy to assist you with your study questions. Let's go through each question and confirm or correct your answers.

1. The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia is unlike a Greek sanctuary in that it:
Your answer: A. dominates the hillside
Confirmation: That is correct! The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia is known for its impressive terraced structure that dominates the hillside, making it distinct from Greek sanctuaries.

2. How does Augustus of Primaporta depict the Emperor Augustus?
Your answer: A. as a deity
Confirmation: Well done! The sculpture of Augustus of Primaporta portrays Emperor Augustus as a deity, conveying his divine status and legitimizing his rule.

3. Modern stadiums use the Colosseum's design because:
Your answer: C. it lets every spectator see the action
Confirmation: Excellent! The Colosseum's design, with its tiered seating and numerous entrances/exits, allowed for an excellent view and ensured visibility from every part of the amphitheater.

4. The Arch of Trajan at Benevento was built to commemorate:
Your answer: D. an emperor's coronation
Correction: I'm sorry, but that answer is incorrect. The Arch of Trajan at Benevento was actually built to commemorate an army's victory. Please review this information to reinforce your understanding.

5. A method of dating portraits of unknown Roman citizens is to determine which emperor had a similar:
Your answer: C. eye color
Correction: I'm sorry, but that answer is incorrect. When dating portraits of unknown Roman citizens, a key factor to consider is their hairstyle. The hairstyle can help identify the time period and correlate it to a specific emperor's reign.

6. Art produced under ______ tends most toward anti-classical design.
Your answer: B. the Tetrarchs
Confirmation: Excellent! Art produced under the Tetrarchs tends to lean towards anti-classical design, showcasing a departure from the elaborate naturalism of earlier Roman art.

7. The Etruscans differed from the Ancient Egyptians in that they:
Your answer: C. built elaborate tombs
Confirmation: Well done! The Etruscans indeed differentiated themselves from the Ancient Egyptians by building elaborate tombs, showcasing their distinctive burial rituals and beliefs in the afterlife.

I hope this helps you with your test preparation! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Good luck with your studies!