What is the purpose of Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe?

What are some qualities and Character traits about of the Speaker in Annabel Lee? I need at least 5. so far I got romantic, dedicated, crazy, and obsessive .

Isn't "Annabel Lee" a love poem?


The purpose of "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe is to explore the theme of love and the effect of death on that love. The poem tells the story of a narrator who is deeply in love with a woman named Annabel Lee. The speaker's intense feelings and the tragic demise of their love are central to the poem's purpose.

In terms of the speaker's qualities and character traits in "Annabel Lee," here are five:

1. Romantic: The speaker's deep love and obsession for Annabel Lee reflect his romantic nature. He describes their love as "the winged seraphs of heaven coveting her and me" and refers to it as a love "that was more than love."

2. Dedicated: The speaker is dedicated to Annabel Lee, even after her death. He states that their love was so strong that even angels became envious, and he continues to feel a strong connection to her even in death.

3. Grief-stricken: The speaker experiences an intense level of grief and sorrow over the loss of Annabel Lee. He expresses his anguish by repeatedly mentioning her name and describing her death in a melancholic tone.

4. Possessive: The speaker's love for Annabel Lee borders on possessiveness. He uses possessive language when referring to her ("my Annabel Lee") and blames the angels for taking her away from him.

5. Devoted: The speaker's devotion to Annabel Lee is unwavering. He believes that their souls remain connected even after her death and states that he lies with her in her tomb every night, unable to let go of their love.

It is important to note that while the speaker's qualities and character traits can be interpreted in different ways, the ones mentioned above provide a starting point for understanding the complexity of his emotions in the poem.

The purpose of "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe is to explore the theme of undying love and the power of love beyond death. This poem is a lamentation of the death of the speaker's beloved Annabel Lee and portrays a deep and eternal love that transcends even physical separation.

In terms of character traits of the speaker in "Annabel Lee," here are five qualities that can be attributed to the speaker:

1. Romantic: The speaker's overwhelming devotion and love for Annabel Lee highlight their romantic nature. The poem emphasizes the deep emotional connection and bond the speaker feels for the deceased.

2. Devoted: The speaker's devotion to Annabel Lee is evident throughout the entire poem. The speaker portrays a willingness to go to extreme lengths and endure great suffering to be with their beloved, even in death.

3. Obsessive: There is an obsessive quality to the speaker's love, as they are fixated on Annabel Lee even after her death. The speaker's obsession amplifies their intense emotions and fuels their longing for her.

4. Mourning: The speaker mourns the loss of Annabel Lee deeply and this mourning is a central part of their character. They grieve the absence of their beloved, expressing their sorrow and disbelief at her premature death.

5. Possessive: The speaker's possessive nature is depicted through their descriptions of Annabel Lee. They view her as exclusively theirs, expressing jealousy towards others who may come between their love. This possessiveness adds to the intensity of the speaker's connection with Annabel Lee.

To identify qualities and character traits of the speaker, one can closely analyze the poem, focusing on the speaker's actions, emotions, and the various aspects that define their behavior throughout the verses of "Annabel Lee."