Joan ran for 2.25 hours burning 3075.5 calories per hour how many total calories does he burn

John runs for 2.25 hours, burning 375.5 Calories per hour. How many total Calories does he burn?

To calculate the total number of calories burned, we need to multiply the number of hours Joan ran by the calories burned per hour.

Joan ran for 2.25 hours.
Joan burns 3075.5 calories per hour.

To calculate the total calories burned, you can use the following formula:

Total calories burned = hours ran * calories burned per hour

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Total calories burned = 2.25 hours * 3075.5 calories per hour

Now, we can calculate:

Total calories burned = 6909.375 calories

So, Joan burns a total of 6909.375 calories.

2.25 * 3075.5 = ?