Hi this is the code I'm working on, but every time I run it, every character inputted is printed, so hello becomes 'h','e','l','l','o', even numbers! I can't seem to fix it so that it can be added to the list and printed normally, thanks!

#Printing the original list (This was given)
a = ['spam','eggs',100,1234]
a[0:2] = [1,12]
print("This is the original list:", a)
#Prompting user to input data
b = input('Please add your first item to the list: ')
c = input('Please add your second item: ')
a[4:4] = b
a[5:5] = c
#Printing new list

---- This is fixed now thanks ----

Sure! The issue in your code is that you are treating the user input as individual characters and trying to insert them into the list using slice index.

To fix this, you need to change how you add the user inputs to the list. Instead of using slice index, you can simply use the `append` method of lists to add the inputs to the end of the list.

Here's the corrected code:

# Printing the original list
a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]
a[0:2] = [1, 12]
print("This is the original list:", a)

# Prompting user to input data
b = input('Please add your first item to the list: ')
c = input('Please add your second item: ')

# Adding user inputs to the list

# Printing new list

Now, when you run the code, it will add the user inputs to the end of the list without treating them as individual characters.