How would you describe waiting at a school bus stop in third person? Also trying to use metaphors and personification.

Third person:

Use only nouns and 3rd person pronouns -- no "I" or "you" forms at all.

Writing metaphors:

Writing personification:

Even though many of those websites are referring to writing metaphors and personification in poetry, the ideas work just as well in prose.

Now ... get busy writing, and stop wasting time continuing to post this assignment on Jiskha.

Waiting at the school bus stop, she stood like a tall, patient sunflower, her face turned towards the distant horizon. As the minutes ticked by, the bustling street before her transformed into a lively river, flowing with cars and people, each in their own hurried journey. The bus stop sign, worn and weathered, yearned for attention, waving its arm like an weary old friend waiting to be noticed. The nearby trees whispered secrets amongst themselves, swaying softly in the wind, their branches reaching out like fingers, as if to catch the attention of the passing bus. And all the while, the yellow school bus, her loyal steed, continued to hide behind the bend, teasing her anticipation with each passing moment.