Melina walked her dog 2 1/5 miles. Cathy walked her dog 1 3/4 times as far as Melania did. How many more miles did Cathy walk her dog?

Let's use decimals.

2.2 * 1.75 = ?

Nothing is helpful I got 1 13/20

Melanie walked her dog 2 1/5 miles. Cathy walked her dog 1 3/4 times as far as Melanie did how many miles Cathy walk her dog?

Melanie walked her dog 2 1/5 miles. Cathy walked her dog 1 3/4 times as far as Melanie did how many miles Cathy walk her dog?


To find out how many more miles Cathy walked her dog compared to Melina, we need to calculate the distance Cathy walked her dog and then subtract the distance Melina walked her dog.

Melina walked her dog 2 1/5 miles. To represent this distance as an improper fraction, we convert the whole number and the fraction into a single fraction:

2 1/5 = (2 * 5 + 1)/5 = 11/5

So, Melina walked her dog a total of 11/5 miles.

Next, we will calculate the distance Cathy walked her dog. It is given that Cathy walked her dog 1 3/4 times as far as Melina did.

To find out how much further this is compared to Melina's distance, we multiply Melina's distance by 1 3/4:

Distance Cathy walked her dog = (11/5) * (1 3/4)

To multiply a whole number and a fraction, we first convert the whole number into a fraction:

1 = 1/1

Now we multiply:

(11/5) * (1 3/4) = (11/5) * (1/1) * (3/4) = (11 * 1 * 3) / (5 * 1 * 4) = 33/20

Therefore, Cathy walked her dog a total of 33/20 miles.

To find out how many more miles Cathy walked her dog compared to Melina, we subtract the distance Melina walked her dog from the distance Cathy walked her dog:

33/20 - 11/5 = (33 * 5 - 20 * 11) / (20 * 5) = (165 - 220) / 100 = -55/100

So, Cathy walked her dog 55/100 miles more than Melina.

To simplify the fraction, we can reduce it by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5:

-55/100 = (-11 * 5) / (20 * 5) = -11/20

Therefore, Cathy walked her dog 11/20 miles more than Melina.