Which sequence of processes must occur for an atom of carbon to go from a human to a car?

A. Respiration, photosynthesis, decompiosition
B. Fossilization, decomposition, respiration
C. Photosynthesis, combustion, respiration
D. Respiration, fossilzation, photosythesis
Is the answer C?

shut up @DrBob222 this is sites purpose is to give answers and help out. Not to ask questions and criticize someone on why there on here. I'm gonna tell you something instead of asking you something: If you don't like people cheating get off of here. Please and Thank you :)

this website cracks me up i swear

If you are on connexus then it is b

Here are the answers for Connexus
I got a 100%
This is for Connexus unit 3 lesson 7 7th grade

Nope, and the answer is B thanks anyways.

Now let me ask you a question, how are you doing my homework if I am posting the answers I think they are?

GUYS It is B

A.!!!! Is the correct answer. Picked B and it was wrong. Mj and The Brain are correct, just finished the test. Hope this helps.

A is the answer because after we breath, plants take in the carbon dioxide and when they die or decompose, it can be used as a fossil fuel in many years for a car (like millions of years.)

I'm so damn marveled at this website. People are so stupid, IT'S JUST SO DAMN FUNNY I CANT-

oof shutup, you don't have enough IQ to not cheat, why are you on this website then you idiot